

Stroke (journal)

Publication details Frequency Monthly Open access After 12 months Impact factor 10.170 (2021) Standard abbreviations ISO 4 (alt) · Bluebook (alt) NLM (alt) · MathSciNet (alt ) Stroke (journal) - Wikipedi

Journal of Stroke (JoS) Receives High Impact Factor

The first impact factor for the “JOURNAL OF STROKE (JoS)” has recently been reported to be high, 4.795 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports ® , 2016).

Stroke - Impact Factor & Score 2025

Discover the latest ranking, metrics and journal information for Stroke.

Stroke : Impact Factor & More

Get access to Stroke details, impact factor, Journal Ranking, H-Index, ISSN, Citescore, Scimago Journal Rank (SJR). Check top authors, submission guidelines ...


However, we are happy to report that the impact factor of Stroke, 8.7, is above prepandemic levels, remains the highest among peripheral ...

American Heart Association journal Stroke

Representing the best clinical and basic investigation of all aspects of cerebral circulation and its diseases for more than 50 years.

Stroke Impact Factor IF 2024|2023|2022

About Stroke ; 2023 (2024 update), 7.8, - ; 2022, 8.3, - ; 2021, 10.170, - ; 2020, 7.914, 517 ...

[PDF] The Impact of Our High Impact Factor - :

I am delighted to inform you that the Journal of Stroke's (JoS) impact factor has strikingly increased from 5.57 last year to 7.47, which is the highest among ...

Stroke - Ovid

Stroke ; Editors: Sacco, Ralph L ; Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) ; 2023 Journal Impact Factor: 7.9 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group).